Read Music - Faster

You know the notes, but you feel slow? Are you counting the notes or are you confusing some of them? Then this is the right place for you: The app trains your reaction and with a little practice you can quickly find the notes on your instrument or name them without too much thinking. With the app you can easily measure your progress and it's fun too!
- Play with your real instrument
- Guess the note names in a quiz
- 60 seconds per round or endless game
- 4 preset levels of difficulty
- Create your own exercises
- Share your exercises
- Set the displayed note value
- Create your own instruments
Test your abilities
The app shows you a note and as soon as you have played it correctly, the next one appears. The number of notes found is your score. Can you manage to reach 3 stars?
These instruments are currently supported:
- piano
- guitar/electric guitar, bass guitar
- violin, viola, cello, double bass
- flute, oboe, clarinet in Bb and A, bassoon
- soprano recorder
- soprano, alto, tenor and baritone saxophone
- trumpet in Bb, A and C
- tenor and bass trombone
You can also customize the settings for your instrument. Just set the transposition, the clefs and optionally the pitch range and you're ready to go!
Frequently asked questions
Does the app explain how to read music?
The app requires basic knowledge of music notation. Its aim is to speed up the translation of the notes on the instrument. It is therefore not suitable for absolute beginners. In cooperation with a teacher, however, it can already be used profitably in the early lessons.
Is there an Android version?
Unfortunately not and we do not plan to release one. Since I only develop apps on a part-time basis, I spend my time providing one platform with a high-quality app rather than serving several platforms on a mediocre basis.
Can the app be used without the microphone?
A keyboard or electric piano can be connected via USB (Camera Connection Kit from Apple) or Bluetooth. For all other instruments, the microphone is the only way to play. I strongly believe that this way of practicing is the most effective and also the most fun. Therefore there is no "on-screen keyboard".
Can instruments be added manually?
With the latest update you can easily create instruments and exercises yourself! You can also share the instrument with friends, including all the exercises.
Which devices are supported?
The app works on all iPhones and iPads that support iOS 12 and later. The app was not tested on the iPod Touch, but I would be happy if someone would tell me about his experiences with it.
How are the points counted?
By default, a round takes 60 seconds. The score is determined by the number of notes played correctly.
In endless mode it works differently: Here the correctly played notes are converted to the average per minute in order to keep the results comparable with the standard mode. I was thinking especially of teachers who want to compare the scores of their students. Regardless of the mode you use.
Does Read Music show misplayed notes?
No! The game continues as soon as you have played the right note. My experiments with students have shown that displaying errors or corrections is more confusing than helpful. So I decided against it.